T: Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus
T: (also known as Hail, Thou Long-Expected Jesus)
C: Words: Charles Wesley, 1745.
C: Music and Setting: ‘Jefferson’ from “Southern Harmony”, 1835, alt.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2008 Revision.
S: Music source: Southern Harmony, 1835, Hymn 42. Setting heavily altered for congregational use.
T: (also known as Hail, Thou Long-Expected Jesus)
C: Words: Charles Wesley, 1745.
C: Music and Setting: ‘Jefferson’ from “Southern Harmony”, 1835, alt.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2008 Revision.
S: Music source: Southern Harmony, 1835, Hymn 42. Setting heavily altered for congregational use.
Tags: free digital sheet musics, songs and hymn, public domain, Misc Praise Songs