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This Land is Your Land Harmonica Tab

Diatonic Harmonica Tab

 4    -4   5  -5   -5   -5    4  -4  5   5
This land is your land This land is my land
 3    4  5 -4  -4  -4 -4   4   -4   5     5
From Ca-li-for-nia to the New York is-lands
 4    4  -4   5   -5  -5  
From the red-wood for-est 
-5 -5   4    -4    5  5
to the gulf stream wa-ters
 -4   -4  -4   -3   3  -3  -4   4
This land was made for you and me

Tremolo Harmonica Tab

 5    -5  6  -6   -6    -6   5   -5  6    6
This land is your land, this land is my land

 4   5  6  -5 -5  -5 -5  5   -5   6  6
From California   to the New York Island

  5   5  -5  6   -6 -6  
From the Redwood Forest  
-6  -6    5    -5    6 6
to  the Gulf Stream water

  -5  -5  -5   -4    4  -4  -5  5
This land was made for you and me.
Tags: Harmonica tabs, Woody Guthrie