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Never Gonna Give You Up Harmonica Tab

Diatonic Harmonica Tab

-4    5   -5    -5   6 5 -4  4
We're no stran-gers to l-o--ve.
-4   -4   5   -5 -4  4  7  7  6 
You know the rul-es and so do I.
-4 -4   5  -5    -4
A full com-mit-ment's 
-5    6    5   -4   4
what I'm think-ing of.
-4    -4   5  -5   -4    4
You would-n't get this from
6  6 6  -6   6
a-ny o-ther guy.

-5  6  -6  -5  6    6
I just wan-na tell you
6    -6   6   4
how I'm feel-ing. 
-4  5   -5  -4   6 -6    6
Got-ta make you un-der-stand.

4   -4  -5 -4  -6   -6  6
Ne-ver gon-na give you up.
4  -4  -5  -4  6   6  -5 5 -4
Ne-ver gon-na let you do-w-n.
4   -4 -5  -4  -5 6 5 -4  4
Ne-ver gon-na run a-ro-u-nd
4    4   6   -5
and de-sert you.

4   -4  -5 -4  -6   -6  6
Ne-ver gon-na make you cry.
4   -4  -5 -4  7   5  -5 5 -4
Ne-ver gon-na say good-b-y-e.
4   -4  -5 -4  -5  6 5 -4 4
Ne-ver gon-na tell a l-i--e
4    6   -5
and hurt you. 
Tags: Harmonica tabs, French Harp notes, Mouth Organ, Reed Wind Instrument, song by Rick Astley by Rick Astley

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