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21 Guns Harmonica Tab

Diatonic Harmonica Tab

Key: C

4   4   6 -6 -6  6    6     -5    5  -4
Do you kn-ow wh-at's worth figh-ting for?
4      4  6 -6 -6  6  5 -5  6  -4
When it's n-ot wo-rth d-y-ing for?
4    4  6 -6  -6     6  -5 5 -4
Does it ta-ke your brea-th a-way,
5   -4  4 -4 4  4    3    4  3   5  -4
and you fe-e-l your-self suf-fo-ca-ting?

4     4  6 -6  -6   6 6 -5  5   -4
Does the pa-in wie-gh o-ut the pride?
4    4   6 -6 -6  5  -5    6  -4
And you lo-ok for a place to hide?
4     4  6 -6  -6    6    -5    5  -4
Did some-on-e break your heart in-side?
5      -4  4 -4 4
You're in ru-i-ns.

4     -3   5  6    7
One, twen-ty-one guns.
6     5   4   6  -6
Lay down your ar-ms,
6    -5  5  -4 5 -4
give up the fi-g-ht.
4     -3  5   6   7
One, twen-ty-one guns.
6     5   4    6 -6  
Throw up your ar-ms, 
6  -5  5  -4 5 -4
in-to the s--k--y,
5   -4  4 -4 4
you and I-----.
Tags: Harmonica tabs, Harp, French Harp, Mouth Organ, Reed Wind Instrument, Green Day