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Amazing Grace Harmonica Tab

Diatonic Harmonica Tab

6  7  8 7   8     -8    7   -6    6
A-maz-i-ng Grace! How sweet the sound! 

 6    7    8 7   8     -8   9
That saved  a  wretch like me! 

8 9 8   9 8   7    6   7   7   6
I once wa-s lost, but now am found; 

6 -6   7     8 7    8 -8  7
W-a-s blind, b-u-t now I see.

Chromatic Harmonica Tab

Amazing Grace

-1 3 -4 3 -4
 D G  B G  B
A-ma-zing Grace

-3    3    2   -1
 A    G    E    D       
How sweet the sound

  -1   3  -4 3   -4     -3 -5
  D    G   B G    B      A  D
That saved a   wrentch like me

-4  -5-4  -5-4   3
 B   D B   D B   G
 I   once  was  lost

-1  23  32  -1
 D  EG  GE   D
But now am found

 -1   3    -43  -4 -3  3
  D   G     BG   B  A  G
Was blind , but now I see

verse 2 
'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, 
And grace my fears re-lieved;
How pre-cious did that grace ap-pear
The hour I first be-lieved!
verse 3
Thru man-y dan-gers, toils and snares I 
have al-read-y come; 'Tis grace hath brought 
me safe thus far, And grace will lead  me home.
verse 4
When we've been there ten thou-sand years,
Bright shin-ing as the sun,
We've no less days to sing God's praise 
Than when we'd first be-gun.

Tremolo Harmonica Tab

7 8 9 -9 8 9     -9    8   -7    7 
 Amazing   Grace, How sweet the sound

  7   8    9 -9 8  9  -9  10 
 That saved a wretch like me

 9  10 9  -9 8 9 -9   8   -7    7 
 I once was lost but now I'm found
  7    8    9-9 8 9 -9 8 
 was blind, but now I see

Tags: Harmonica tabs, harp notes, diatonic, beginner, chromatic, John Newton