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Can You Feel The Love Tonight Harmonica Tab

Diatonic Harmonica Tab

  -6   -7   7   -8  7   6
There's a calm sur-ren-der
-6  -7   7  -8  7
to the rush of day,
 -6  -7    7   7 -8   7    6    8
when the heat of the roll-ing world
-9  8    -8   8  7  -8
can be turned a-way._____
-6 -7   7   -8  7   6
An en-chant-ed mo-ment,
-6  -7  7   -8    7
and it sees me through.
-6  -7   7    6    6   9     8   7   -6
It's e-nough for this rest-less war-rior
 -9   8 -8   8   -8
just to be with you.
 6   9   8   -8   9    8   7   -6
And can you feel the love to-night?
 6  7   -9   8  -8
It is where we are.
-6  -7   7    6    6
It's e-nough for this
9  -8  8  7  7   7  -6
wi-de ey-ed wan-der-er
 -9   8 -8    8  -8
that we got this far.
 6   9   8   -8   9    8   7   -6  6  -5
And can you feel the love to-night,_________
 6   7    -9   8   -8
how it's laid to rest?
-6  -7   7    6   6
It's e-nough to make
  9   -8    8   7    7  7   -6
kings_____ and_____ vag-a-bonds
 6   -9   8  -8  7   7
be-lieve the ver-y best.

(2nd time through, repeat last sentence)
Tags: Harmonica tabs, Harp, French Harp, Mouth Organ, Reed Wind Instrument, Elton John